pp108 : GetAllWorklists ForUser

GetAllWorklists ForUser

This method is used to retrieve all the work lists to which the user is assigned.

Resource URI
Request Type


HTTP Header Parameters



Accepted Input Values


The SAML artifact received after authentication. For more information on how to authenticate, see Login.
otdsticket The OTDSTicket received after authentication from OTDS. The OTDSTicket must be provided as a header parameter. For more information on how to authenticate, see Login.

Note : You must provide either SAMLart or otdsticket header parameter. If you provide both the header parameters, it will internally work based on SAMLart.

Note: The supported output formats are:

  • JSON
  • XML
Response Parameters



Id Contains the unique identifier of the work list
Name Contains the name of the work list to which the user is assigned
LastModified Contains the time stamp of the last date on which the work list was modified
Sample Response
JSON Response : 
	tuple: [1]0: {
		old: {
			Worklist: {
				Id: "002481F0-8E9F-11E3-FB84-31AE2052D713"Name: "CurrentProject"QName: "CurrentProject"LastModified: "1400152371472"ACL: {
					any: "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?> <ManagerUnitRoles xmlns="http: //schemas.cordys.com/notification/workflow/1.0" xmlns:S="http: //schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ns2="http: //schemas.cordys.com/notification/workflow/1.0"><UnitRoles><dataset><UnitRole><UnitId>002481F0-8E9F-11E3-FB82-954555B21713</UnitId><Roles><RoleDN>cn=CPF_ScrumMaster,cn=organizational roles,o=system,cn=cordys,cn=defaultinst,o=opentext.net</RoleDN></Roles></UnitRole></dataset></UnitRoles></ManagerUnitRoles>"
				}-ExecutionOrderPolicy: ""Organization: "Organization"


